Happy July Everyone!
What an Amazing week we've had so far here @Wyldroseholistics HQ x
With only one container of our Gorgeous Handcrafted Soapdishes from India left ❤ ( 5 containers arrived this Spring ♥), a finished and posted cute Doggy Shampoo order for Henry & Co all the way to Bonny Scotland and now onto our pride and joy for Neal's Yard Remedies in Bath...
We are welcoming the lovely Poppy to help us out with an increase in production and we hope she likes it enough to stay 😀
She has picked the skills needed up fast and is a joy to have around! Look out for her this Christmas @Lowden Garden Centre in November.
We still have lots of Soapy ends left perfect for the Summer Hols and we have lots of discounts too! Special offers are to be had on our Soaps and Gift Boxes@ Lamb Yard Artisan Market this Friday 9- 3pm in Bradford-on-Avon, Melksham Makers Market the last Saturday of each month , and @Bath Farmers Market on the 1st Saturday of each month for our local Bath peeps 😀
Grab the last deals before you set off for your hols!
We hope you all have a lovely rest of the week from all of us here @wyldroseholistics.com